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Join date: Jan 26, 2021


I'm a health coach, wife to my husband Doug and mother of three adult children. My passion in health and wellness started at a young age as I always loved eating healthy(I grew up on a farm in Montana) exercising and sports. What lit me on fire was when my kids were little and they were picky eaters😏

I didn't understand why🤷🏻‍♀️? Doug and I would offer them healthy choices, but because of foods that were served at to their school were loaded with sugars, carbs and unhealthy fats they started craving the unhealthy choices. I know we were not perfect at home, but we did try to always offer them a variety of fruits and veggies, lean proteins and healthy carbs. I was amazed when I learned about the plant powders in Juice Plus. I loved that the company offered a BOGO so kids could eat for free! I ordered right away and over time we saw amazing results. These are the things we noticed as we all flooded our bodies with this wide variety of fruits and veggies.

strong immune systems

better focus/mental clarity

less anxiety/less stress

less allergies


clearer skin

better workouts/recovery

better sleep

less sugar cravings

weight control

overall better wellbeing

piece of mind💓

I love 💗 helping others find a way to optimal health, avoiding medications/prescriptions and staying away from the doctor/hospital. Are you willing to make One Simple Change and let me help you be the best version of yourself. I offer a free health consult either in person, on the phone or on a video chat!

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